
Privacy Policy

The registration data and any other personally identifiable information collected within the KOORA 24 BETTING TIPS app are not directly acquired, processed, or stored by the app itself. Any paid in-app subscriptions within Koora 24 Betting Tips are facilitated through Google Play/Apple Store, and therefore Koora 24 Betting Tips does not handle any private information directly. For further details concerning the collection, processing, and storage of provided data, please consult the respective app store’s (Google Play/Apple Store) policies.

KOORA 24 BETTING TIPS utilizes the services of Google Play and Apple Store to distribute its app to users. These platforms collect various information, as outlined in their Terms of Use, primarily related to user interactions with the application rather than directly identifying users.

Google Play and Apple Store platforms incorporate analytic tools that gather data about the general location where the application is being used (e.g., country) and in-app events. Users can find more information about this data on their Google Play and Apple Store accounts.

As a user of these services, KOORA 24 BETTING TIPS ensures that such information is not shared with third parties and is solely utilized to enhance the app’s quality and the employed services.

KOORA 24 BETTING TIPS also employs the services of an additional analytic tool, Firebase, to track events such as navigation between in-app screens, button presses, notifications, initial installation, and uninstallation of the application. This data, which does not contain sensitive user information like name, age, or email, is not accessible to third parties and is used to enhance the app’s quality and service.

Lastly, we encourage responsible gambling. Visit www.koora24bettingtips.com for more information.

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